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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Adam Booth

Title: Common Commentary

Disciples of disease

Feed the sores of malcontents

Who bemoan there state of play

Then proceed to show no sense

Put the needle to the arm

For a trip to painless plains

Then return to seering need

Sold to venture there again

On bare board floors they slumber

In piss and shit and blood

Floating through there numbness

Like corpses on the wood

Then the devil in the detail

Rejects them from his lair

So they return to his disciple

And they kneel down at his chair

They beg and plead for mercy

And mercy has a price

They rob and steal and sell themselves

To make there sacrifice

Tony heres your children

Maggie heres your legacy

Cameron you can fool the world

But your not fooling me

Out here the snow is falling

The smack is on the run

The crack is now an empire

Its ruler is the gun

And all your laws are plastic

Your justice has no weight

You make the beds we lie in

We reap what you create

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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