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  You are @ HomeAdults Buzz book

Buzz book

Source: Adults

Author: Chibuzo Orjiekwe

Title: foetal love

Like two peas in a pod they sat staring at each other,

You could call them ‘entities’ but their similarities were uncanny,

The level of co-operation commendable; their tolerance indefatigable,

Changing position in mum’s receptacle, without quarrel or commotion,

Toady ‘peek-a-boo’; tomorrow ‘I see you’,

The echoes of their playfulness; the mischievous thumps of their feet,

Only served to put a wide smile on mum’s rosy cheeks

And when mum decided to look through man’s machination

They could be seen cuddling each other earning a lot of adoration

Entity A to entity B “I wish we were Siamese. That means we will be inseparable my heart and yours will be one”,

But there was a stubborn vessel, which kinked as they played,

Entity B began to swell whilst A shrivelled to a prune,

With frantic little hands ‘A’ banged on the walls of mum’s vessel “Quick mum there’s a problem save B before he drowns,

There was chaos and commotion as mum rushed to the hospital, “don’t worry little ones mum will never abandon you”,

The surgeon was skilled; the operation a bit tricky

The knot in the vessel sealed; Entity B so thankful “I’ll never forget you A for letting me live, your heart is my heart from now and forever”;

“Thank you bro” said entity A the unfortunate twin, “I was supposed to come first but I will not despair. Play for both of us and live for us two, I’ll be waiting for you. Tell mum I love her day after day and bring her flowers for both of us as often as you can”,

“I love you my brother even though you’re not here. I’ll never forget you till the day that I die”,

Mum cried with happiness and also despair; I knew she will miss me but hopefully not for long.

I so love my brother for the short time we shared; just a pity I could not tell him but I’ll wait, yes I will.


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