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  You are @ HomeAdults Buzz book

Buzz book

Source: Adults

Author: Stuart Johnson

Title: From Bliss To Hiss

We awoke to the warming sun draping itself lazily across our bodies, tangled amongst the bed-clothes.
No, this was more than contentment.
Bliss...yes that was it.
Susan was the one, I'd known that from the moment she'd turned up on my doorstep one morning. The connection had been immediate, and I knew my search was over.
I'd wandered the dampened back streets of Soho, I'd hunted around in the East-end. I knew all the places to look with my dark glasses and my fake moustache. My sinking heart back then could never have foreseen that my longing for a particular romance would end like this.
End in bliss.

I watched her slip into another light doze, my soul swelling with the awe of her beauty.
Perfect soft white skin.
Petite shapely form.
I nestled myself against her and listened to the natural tranquility of the morning.
" Are you as happy as me? " I whispered into her shoulder. Not waiting for an answer that might shatter me with disappointment, I turned her head towards me and nodded it for her.

" Susan. " It was enough for me just to breathe her name.
I heard the slam of a car door, and it didn't register.
" Susan. "
I heard the key turning the lock, and it didn't register.
" Susan. "
I heard the front door closing.

" Kathy! Oh shit!... Shit! Shit! Shit!... " I sprung out of bed like a gazelle, scattering blankets and sheets around me, " ....Susan, quick sweetheart, I gotta hide you somewhere. "
I'd forgotten Kathy was home today.
I grabbed Susan and turned her around, searching frantically for the plastic stopper and yanking it loose.
" Deflate! Deflate, damn you! " I hissed at it, as it hissed itself with agonising apathy.
Footsteps on the stairs.
I pressed at the synthetic material with both hands to hurry it along, the four black legs folding in on the white lumpy body and the black face with the long snout began to shrivel inwards.

" Hello babe! Ohh it's so good to be home. " Kathy pecked me on the cheek and collapsed onto the dishevelled bed.
Then she sat up, eyes narrowed.
" What was that? "
" What was what? " I said, frozen to the spot.
" That noise. "
" What noise? "
" Sounded like it came from the cupboard.... Sounded like a....'baaaa'... like a.... sheep? God, I've been working too damn hard, that's my problem. "

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