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  You are @ HomeAdults Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom

Source: Adults

Author: P. A. Scott

Title: I speak for the animals

'Tis strange how women kneel in church and pray to God above
Confess small sins and chant in praise and sing that God is love
While coats of softly furred things upon their shoulders lie
Of timid things, of tortured things that take so long to die.
The steel jaws clamped and held him fast,
None marked his fright, none heard his cries.
His struggles ceased; he lay at last with wide uncomprehending eyes.

He saw the sky grow dark above,
and saw the sunset turn to gray,
and quailed in anguish while he strove to knaw his pinioned leg away.

Then at last day came from the east,
but still the steel jaws kept their hold,
and no-one watched the prisoned beast bur Fear, and Hunger, and Thirst, and Cold.......

Then through the gloom that night came One
who set the timid spirit free;
"I know thine anguish, liittle son; so once men held and tortured me".

These snippetts were not written by me but were read by me many years ago. I can't even remember where I was or even what publication I read them in but they affected me so deeply that I kept them .

I put them out there now for you, with no comment from me.

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