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  You are @ HomeAdults Buzz book

Buzz book

Source: Adults

Author: Jack Beeton

Title: Our Saturdays

How little things in life meant so much to me

Without you here to share them I now begin to see

Never really liked the shopping at week-ends

But how nice it was to come home still the best of friends

We’d have our tea watch tele and talk awhile

Always time we had to share a smile

Sometimes with a prayer and a lot of luck

A blouse or skirt you would have picked up

You’d try it on, swirl around the floor and then try to improve it

So out the scissors came and with a little effort

The opening would be much longer and I was left to sew it

To the club we’d go so proud I was to be with you

I so much wish I’d made more fuss, as so often I wanted to

A romantic I never was, never showed much charm

But would always walk along with you so tightly on my arm

My love was there you did know this

But words to say how much, I know you must have missed

Again too late or may be not for you to hear these words I say

For only you now know the truth if we will meet again one day

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