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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: jonny graham

Title: Earth Calling Joe...

Planet Earth calling Joe...
Across the vast infinity of Space .
Reply if you are receiving this .
Send a message back to base .

You have travelled for 100 years .
In suspended animation .
Somewhere East of Alpha Centauri .
Have you reached you're destination ?

Back here on Terra Firma .
The situation is getting worse .
Mother Earth is a dying star .
Alone in the universe .

Civilization depends on you .
To find another planetary home .
A world that man can populate .
Another place to call our own .

The ice caps have all melted .
The polar bear is now extinct .
Dry land is disappearing .
As the tides come rushing in .

Africa is a desert wasteland .
The rain forests are now sand .
The destiny of the human race
is balanced in your hands .

Global warming is out of our control .
The temperature is constantly rising .
Homo Sapiens are dying out
in a world that is slowly frying .

There is no more oil left .
The supplies have all run out .
The economy is in melt down .
There's financial and ecological drought .

The oceans are polluted .
The blue whale swims no more .
Bleached bones and plastic trash .
Litter every stinking shore .

There's anarchy on the shimmering streets .
Unrest throughout the nations .
Mankind is in his darkest hour .
Facing the extinction of civilization .

Eight billion human souls .
Overpopulate this waning earth .
Wrapped up in desperate existence .
Ignorant of what it is worth .

And religion takes a back seat .
As humanity takes a fall .
Faith now depends on a space ship .
Save us , Joe , find sanctuary for us all .

Sir , the chances are real slim...
But we detect activity on this frequency .
There's a message coming in...

OK , quiet everybody...
Prepare for transmission...
Joe ? ... Is that you ? ...
Silence ... just static hissing .

Then far across the cosmos ,
the faint sound of a human voice .
Planet Earth ? , can you hear me ? ...
Distorted by feedback noise .

This is Joe calling Earth .
Transmitting from space to ground...
Guess what ? ... Mission accomplished ...
I have found ......................

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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