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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: jonny graham

Title: This Little Piggy.

This little piggy was born in a pen on a factory farm ,
intensively sterile but lacking in charm .
And the momma pig told him ,
Make the most of your life ,
'cos one day the butcher's gonna come
with a fuckin' great knife .
But he just thought she was tellin' tales ,
till his friends disappeared
in the middle of the night ,
and his piglet pink chub
turned ghostly white .
This little piggy was well looked after ,
force fed and nourished by his lord and master .
Injected with steroids to make him bulk up ,
injected with antibiotics to make him feel good .
Worried that he couldn't defend himself .
Worried about rumours of the supermarket shelf .
And he loved his momma ,
he really liked her .
But he wasn't too keen on her stories
about the bacon slicer .
He watched the farm lorries come
and take the pigs away .
He saw new pigs born nearly every day .
He saw the farmer counting money,
saw the glint in his eye .
From the corner of his pen
could smell the fields and see a bit of sky .
Basically , he remained optimistic , like pigs will ,
discounted rumours of abbatoirs
and deadly butchery skill .
Paid no heed to the porcine knockers ,
didn't believe in what they said
about the electrical stun shockers .
Didn't want to know about conveyor belt rumours ,
told quietly with sideways looks ,
or the jiggling piggy bodies
hung on sharp , sharp hooks .
I am a pig , for Christ sakes !
I should be snuffling in the woods ,
or wallowing in mud .
Not having nightmares about rivers of blood .
I should be free , with natures other wonders .
Not living in this regulated way ,
where my days are numbered .
With a yellow plastic tag in my ear ,
and a purple tattoo on my ass .
Walking on piss wet concrete , never on grass .
Momma , is it true what they say about breakfast ,
you know , about eggs and bacon ?
Yes dear , it is true , and fitting ,
the chicken contributed
but the pig was committed .
Awww momma , that aint fair !
Human's act like our masters .
But really
they are just greedy , uncaring , selfish bastards !

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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