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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Jan Miklaszewicz

Title: upstairs

the upstair neighbours had a
fight last night
when he come in pissed up
and chucked the
fucking dinner over her
and said he fucking hated her
it seems the gravy was too thin
so he chinned her
and she chinned him

when leadpipe morning thudded
down the sound
of newborn baby cry
and i could
hear her begging him don't pawn
the x-box down Aladdin's Cave
[her greatest source of joy that thing]
and he chinned her
cos she chinned him

and she don't want to go to
town hang round
with newborn baby cry
or try to
make it through the rotten day
without the sauce without the game
so she gets wazzed on bathtub gin
and he'll chin her
when he gets in

sometimes i want to ring the
bill and spill
the beans on all this ruck
it sucks
especially when he's overkeen
and uses her swede as a trampoline
but they'll suss just who made that call
and they'll chin poor old me
and all

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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