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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: BeccaD

Title: Nagging

This is what I need from you
I need some of your attention
and I want for you to listen to me
and did I happen to mention.....?

That you never give me a compliment
and never take me out,
you never seem to talk to me,
you only seem to shout!

No comments on how nice I smell ,
or how I've styled my hair,
you do not comment on my outfits ,
I think it's so unfair!

It would be nice if you just noticed me,
every once in a while,
and put your clothes in the washing basket,
instead of heaped in a pile...

and when I cook your favourite food,
you could show some appreciation
and maybe every once in a while
we could engage in conversation.

I'm sure it's not too much to ask?
It's the simple things in life,
I really shouldn't have to remind you,
that you are infact my wife!

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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