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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Mark Anthony Jackson

Title: Tabloid

I jumped to my feet with a hopeful grunt
And lit a fire to last night’s blunt
There was so much to do but so little time
Which is why I inhaled while ignoring the crime
So many years had slipped with the wind
Not one of them passing devoid of sin
But this was my chance to give something back
I had so much money, I couldn’t keep track
Instead of buying a new car or land
I decided to give it to my fellow man
My shoes shining bright and my suit flattened straight
I arrived at my departure gate
Twenty hours of travel, I saw on the screen
From here to Kenya where I’d give life to dreams

In Nairobi I parted ways with a two mil
For a hospital fit to cure the ill
In Mombasa another was rightfully spent
On the five million families who couldn’t pay rent
Then back north to Lamu, by chopper, I flew
All the way dropping baskets of long lasting food
In Garissa I erected a public school
With all the amenities sparkling new
In Wajir I made fertile the rotting land
Giving work to the young men who lent me a hand
And west to Kisumu I gave the rest out
And built proper abodes for the people without

Six months had passed of my young, tired life
So spent, but eager to be with my wife
I held her all night while we melded our tears
Entangled in love lost the last half year
The morning gave birth to another sunrise
I laid for a while gazing at my wife’s eyes
I rose up to drive to the flower store
Thinking back on those beautiful, African shores
I rolled up a fat one and walked out the door
In love with the moment, beginning to soar
As I pushed on the brakes at the first stop sign
Behind me I saw blue and red flashing lights
They took my keys and locked me away
For smoking while driving with enough pot for days
So in prison I’ll rot for the next couple years
At least I’ll have time for my next album in here
You’ll hear of the rock star who was sent to jail
After giving away his would-be bail
Taking a "pounding" every day in the showers
For blazing while going to get his wife flowers

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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