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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: jonny graham

Title: Sssssssshhhhh now .

Tread ssssssssoftly ,
there be witchesssssss
and sssssssserpentsssss
ssssssslithering in the grasssssssss .
With little fussssssssss .
Sssssssilently .
Ssssssssneaking up on you .
God .
I jussssssssst ssssssssaw one .
A sssssssssnake !
Wah !
We are sssssssssurounded by veneamioussssss crittersssssssss and witchesssssss .
Ooooh ,
look at the fangsssssssss on that one .
Look at
the sssssssssizesssssss of 'em .
Them all with the witchesssssssss
y'know .
Huh ?
The witchesssssssss an da sssssssnakesssssss is gangin ' up on usssssss.
me .
Sssssssso ssssssstoppit , right now .
Theressssssss one behind ya .
Wah !
I don't like it no more , sssssssscared now .
I think we isssssssss trapped and sssssssssurrounded .
Wot we gonna do , huh ?
Sssssssscream for help and assssssssissssssstance ?
Nah ...
Jussssssst ssssssstamp on them .
Ssssssssmack 'em wiv ssssssssstickssssss.
If I had a ssssssssharp knife....
Oi you...
You not allowed knifesssssss
gunsssssssss neither .
Wot doesssssssss them ssssssssnakessssssss eat ?
Little people , probably .
Thatsssssss ussssss , we issssssss little people !
An them witchessssssss ?
They eat the sssssssame assssss the sssssssnakessssss .
I fink we issssss in trouble .
I fink we isssssss in deep sssssshit !
Oh ! I'm tellin' on you ...
you ssssssaid a sssssswear word !

Children , come in out the garden ,
and stop playing with worms .
Dinner's ready.........

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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