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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: whetr

Title: Adopted

A wicked, wicked witch of the west,
She is a really, really super bitch,
A devil in disguise that she is!
Definitely an evil step mother, this witch,

Now please don’t misunderstand me on this,
This is no lass, now this is not to snitch,
She is a wicked, wicked witch of the west
But only if you are not one of her pick,

She is an insider with a closeted trick,
Trust her and you will be the fodder for she is a nutter,
Or may be she will turn you into a frog with her stick,
With her offers of cover, hers is artfully to smother,

With a kiss of a Dracula, who likes a red blooded kick?
She will suck, draw and squeeze you bloodless in one trip,
Treading like a giant, she will pin you to a brick,
Trampling underfoot, on terra firma ready for a waste tip.

Riding over and climbing those rungs way, way up high,
a fat paycheck and status for this bitch on a power broomstick,
An ugly step mother, she is queen of this office gig,
This smug old witch, is no head-hunters preferred bitch,

A destroyer of anything called fair play,
She is a killer of competition, now that’s her special fame,
Her companion cronies, bitches and queens posted to stay,
These select insiders, lifetime members, are one and the same,

Primed for top echelons and power suites for a rich game,
It’s a closed group operation, a witchy brew of remains,
Eloquent spiels, to actions that match not so the same
Opportunities bow and dance, for a show of equality entrails .

‘under-represented,’ an’ inclusion clause’ for sound,
An empasse, ‘move over darling’ does not tempt all.
Opportunity must, at best experience, to develop a round
Not a chance, so take a bow before you break and fall,

This rocky face has no level playground,
Secret initiations may be imbibed all around,
In edicts hidden up very high, by some clown
for this witch prefers to be on the top.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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