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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Mark Anthony Jackson

Title: Holloween Combat On the Objective: Extraction

Stuck in the shit now
My ears are burning
So much fire and metal in the air
At attention, the sound of a bullet ripping into flesh
Sounds so deliberate
Masked with the breath of combat
Only a dream... a nightmare

That loud, masculine scream reverberating off the building beside me
My gunner is down
Here beside me he has fallen down
But shall he fall?
No time to think
Engage enemy forces and protect hostages at all costs
So, they are more important than us
Melts the pit of my stomach
Down into the abyss

Only this moment…
This is all there is
We sit in colliding bubbles
Restless and insane
Needing something
Searching for something
And always wanting more
Blameless forever
And stuck in our ways

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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