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  You are @ HomeAdults Buzz book

Buzz book

Source: Adults

Author: Stuart Johnson

Title: Teethmarks

I remember the peaceful delirium

Of rising, swooping, soaring

Through the hazy Niagara air

Relentless, twirling blades above me

The merciless, thundering falls below

Crashing foamy white maelstroms

I remember thinking to myself

There can be no-one out there

That could match this wonder of nature

That could drown your orientation

That could wash you out to oblivion

With such rampaging velocity

But I had no clue that Fate was scheming

And had perched you on the approaching horizon

Liked a cursed figurine on a mantelpiece

Ready to ensnare me with those dark and pretty eyes

Short black rock chick hair and curved Italian smile

We met, we acknowledged and we talked

Could not have foreseen we'd grow so close

So close and yet so far

That I'd draw such envious glances

In bars and clubs filled with the blend of smoke and testosterone

Those Saturday night male egos would never know

That you and I were not to be

That you were the merciless thundering falls

That I was sealed inside a barrel, floating towards the edge

Unable to swim away from the foaming precipice

And on drunken taxi rides home

You'd rest your head on my shoulder

You'd tell the driver I was the brother you'd never had

And I knew then, I knew that it was over

And I knew then that it had never begun

Four years on, unannounced and uninvited

You invade my sleep, trespass in my dreams

I rise and swoop above you

As you rage and crash below

And all I have are teethmarks

I wear your teethmarks on my heart

I wear them on my soul


Slow to heal

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