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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: jonny graham

Title: Guerrillas in our Midst .

Animal rights activists
look the part .
All dressed up
in pseudo-military camouflage .
Content to fight
in a construed war .
But they don't know what
they're marching for .
And when the real bullets
start to fly ,
the hard line activist
won't stand in line .
Harping on ,
chanting freedom mantras .
Hiding in the closet
with his double standards .

Standing up together
for the rights of
doe-eyed calves ,
and fluffy little sheep .
Tugging on emotions ,
making hard hearts bleed .
Puppies and abused dogs ,
and sweet little homeless cats .
But hey Mr Activist
what about the rat ?

A rat is an animal .
It has rights too .
Or is it just that
rats don't appeal to you ?

People trap them .
And shoot them .
And poisen them too .
The rat is hounded .
Takes a lot of abuse .
So Mr Activist ,
what you gonna do ?

Don't you like his whiskers ?
Or his sharp little teeth ?
His scaly tail
and his fetid breath ?
Or his association
with the old black-death ?

Or is it just
that your allegiance
lies else where ?
Your activist mind prefers
something cuddly
with cute fluffy hair ?

Killing animals
might seem like a crime .
But the rat is sick
of hypocracy ,
and he's running out of time .

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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