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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: jonny graham

Title: Chemistry Set .

Please start ... Don't wait for me .
Help yourselves ... everythings ready .

Darling ... would you pour the tannic oxidation ?
Or would anyone prefer heavy liquidation ?
Theres plenty of strontium ninety ,
and it's fresh .
Harold dug it out of the reactor this morning .
Please , pass round the pseudo-flesh .

Oh Delia , how do you get your carrots
to glow so bright ?
Well , that's an old trick from my mother .
I soaked them in an atomic bath , overnight .

Has anybody tried the irridium seasoning ?
It's vintage stuff , past it's half life ,
a bit tart , but very pleasing .

Oh , this fish , it's wonderful .
Can I detect hints of lead ?
Yes you can , and mercury marinade too ,
a bit more than the recipe said .

This pseudo-flesh just melts in the mouth .
Everybody try it ,
pass it round .
It's drenched in salts of cobalt ,
and that new pink atomic thickener .
I hope I've done enough ,
it's disappearing quickly .

Has everyone got enough emulsifiers ?
Would anyone like more sequestrants ?
Children ! don't play with your food please .
There are mutants starving
on other planets .

This cheese ... it's just so shiny .
How do you do it ?
Well , it's twenty-eight times
atomically processed
and extra matured .
Fucking hell !
Sorry , I mean ...blimey !

Radio-active coffee ... anyone ?
It's just been brewed ,
but the isotopes won't stay fresh for long .

Harold ... be a dear ,
and pass round the stabilized fruit .
And don't give any to granny .
There'll be trouble with her colostomy bag
if you do .

Well , that was nice .
Is everybody full ?
Hey listen ,
I think I've got some of that
wierd organic food
in the back of the kitchen reactor .

Oh ..give it to the kids ..
but not too much ...
it might make them hyperactive .

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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