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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: jonny graham

Title: Conspiracy Theorist .

You are being controlled
by subliminal messages
on every t.v. set
and through every mobile phone .
Aliens are amongst us .
David Icke said so .
And the worst place to be safe
is behind closed doors
in the so called sanctuary
of the domestic home .

Those sudden urges
for a midnight snack ,
are induced by psychological prompting .
Designed to give you heartburn ,
and ultimately ,
a rather spectacular
but somewhat premature
coronary heart-attack .

The additives in the
processed food you eat
are a government licenced
time bomb .
Designed to keep you doing
what they want .
And ultimately
they win .
You lose because
you are expendable .
You toe the line
but they cheat.

You are probably in debt .
They told you to do it .
They want balance
within their economy .
Your interest
is their pound of flesh .
And the occasional despairing suicide
is a by-product
of what they consider
economically funny .

You don't even need to work ,
if they decide to influence you.
You can stay in bed all day and jerk.
They make the rules
and instigate them .
They want dumb blind fools .
Not an eager workforce
with trade unions
and solidarity .
You are pacified so much ,
you don't talk back .
Incapable of mayhem .

They pass the laws
and draw the lines .
Screw with your life .
Screw with your time .
It's all mapped out
over tax-free drinks in
government bars .
Clandestine deals are done
in the dead of night
with shady characters
who come from far away .
But you won't see them .
You don't even know who they are .

You are being controlled .
Everything you do .
Everything you say .
Where you live .
The car you drive .
The food you eat .
When you sleep .
When you wake .
The clothes you wear .
Even where you supposedly choose
to go on holiday .
And it's all done for gain .
And to keep you in your place .

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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