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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Paula Beeton

Title: Enter Dementia

It creeps upon one slowly, a little at a time
It dims the lights so gradually, and flickers
It brings the past to the present, then gives it back again
Yet only for a glimpse..until..you question. Am I sane?

It's hard to believe it's happening
The changes inside the brain
Rather like a jumbled bookcase
Files unfiled then filed again..insane?

Then suddenly a clearing when things are right again
You think you must have dreamed all that
You are back on track again..and then
You don't remember who you are, or the reason you are here
So you slip into a reverie of things you once held dear.

The past is now your present, you talk of folks long gone
You think they are coming round for tea and put the kettle on
You bake some cakes but leave them to burn..seems normal
You're no longer safe on your own, people are starting to whisper
Maybe best for her in a home?

They pack you off to respite, tell you it's just for a rest
You think you are on holiday, sometimes get out for lunch
But all the doors are locked at night, you have an uneasy hunch.
Strange ladies come to bath you and tell you what to do
You know it's time for action now so throw a punch or two.

This does not help your case at all, they say "Shes getting worse"
So after many meetings, much chapter and much verse
You relocate to EMI..Oh bloody hell you curse, and curse and worse
It seems to be quite normal now to act like they expect
You don't even know that your money the government will detect.

I could go on and on and on, but only around in circles
The moral of this sorry tale is live for the hear and now
There may be no tomorrows, or a tomorrow like hers and hers.


Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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