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  You are @ HomeAdults Buzz book

Buzz book

Source: Adults

Author: Carl Glover

Title: Italian Reverie

My thoughts are overcome by seductive, and mildly hazy,
memories, which blush when reminiscing of those lazy
late afternoons sipping cappuccinos at the leisurely pace
intended, before they joined the fast-food menu race.
You joined me at my red and white check clothed table
Would this become a ruby-lipped, allurement fable;
that you should choose this very spot, but then again why not?
Sheltered by a canopy, and the mid-day sun so very hot,
and our view, ‘breath taking’ doesn’t take it in. Beguiling mountains
in the distance, and here in this square, everywhere, flowers and fountains.
Perfection, but for the hustle-bustle of shiny motor scooters
cruising by, handsome, dark-haired Italian boys, pressing on their hooters
vying to get your attention, with you, still intent on dazzling me.
Butterflies dance in my heart. My senses awake in such a reverie.

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