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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: matthew newman

Title: A weak week

She's the nicest person, sweet and kind
her eyes are warm and caring.
But once a month those eyes will change
to bloodshot and start glaring.

The lady that I love and married so gladly
seems to hide away.
It's the one week of the month that I
kneel down and start to prey.

Her face contorts, I swear she grows horns
she'll also snort and cough.
A friendly " Morning dear, how are you?"
Gets the reply " Oh just fuck off."

Don't think me a coward it's just not so
I don't think I'm weak or small.
It's just at this time one punch from her
would put me through a wall

I married this woman for bad or worse
I'm proud to call her my wife.
But once a month I quiver and shake
and fear for my own life.

I tell myself that this won't last
and I wait till times have changed.
I'm just hoping she hasn't got to me first
and had my features re-arranged.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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