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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: jonny graham

Title: Lung Cancer .

Steroids and diamorphine ,
to buy time and quell pain .
To open windows on the fading world ,
and watch Winter's falling leaves
die in the afternoon's sleety breeze .
The thoughts of an incarcerated king ,
dissipating in the falling rain .

A lifetime of softly couched memories ,
now spilling forth one more time .
Sparkling behind too tired eyes
that soon will see no more .
Racked and cowed by searing vengeance .
To change not one thing ,
but hope for dignity , in lifes dying embers .

And all the things you ever did ,
count for next to nothing now .
All the twists and turns of life you made .
Come rolling back like flickering films
that document your nights and days .
Emotions are laid bare before you ,
and resignation lights the final way .

The loss of time and concept ,
fade away as you fade out .
Robbing you of intellect ,
and sowing thorny seeds of doubt .
The infant mind will reappear .
Decorum has quietly slipped away ,
holds a hand out for you now .

Sweet whispers count for anything ,
in the slowing chambers of the mind .
The riches of a life well lived ,
cannot buy you extra time .
Peace and love will walk with you .
And we will meet again some day ,
somewhere down the valley line .

Fighting time has passed you by ,
and cast a fleeting glance .
The sands of time are whispering ,
and asking for a final dance .
No more wing and a prayer for you .
Just little tears of smiling happiness ,
and the end of the final chance .

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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