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  You are @ HomeAdults Buzz book

Buzz book

Source: Adults

Author: sheila cameron

Title: Our Love Boat.

We took our boat far out to sea,

the day was fresh, the air was clean.

Our life beginning, sun kissed love,

the brightest day we’d ever seen.

Little boat with engine pumping,

soft wind blowing through my hair.

So excited – two hearts together,

thanking God that he was there.

Calm blue sea with small waves rippling,

we could hardly see the shore,

wanted just to be beside him

this day, and so many more.

Pumping engine coughed and spluttered,

he just sighed, we laughed.

In love we hardly noticed. Now saw danger

sent a flare, it rose above.

High in the sky of blue - flare red,

but blue went grey - and quick a haze.

I felt his nervous apprehension

as swirling mist - heads in a daze.

He held me in his arms so tightly,

felt assured, but senses tight.

Handsome Prince, please save your maiden

close the book, and make it right.

The coastline disappeared before us.

Our perfect day? I prayed inside.

The dissipated flare now distant,

Would fate come and turn the tide?

Drifting, waves increasing stronger

boat now rocking - then violently bobbing

buffeting, our every meaning.

Our life ebbing - my soul sobbing.

Noone listening to my crying

he in pain from falling – listless,

calming words I tried to sooth him.

Now his body feeling lifeless.

In my arms my turn to hold him,

my heart yearning me to save,

don’t take away my soul forever,

and leave him to this watery grave.

Through the mist I heard a warning.

Loud ship’s noises, voices yell.

Strong arms lift through mist to safety,

saved us from the seaside hell.

Twelve years on I sit in silence.

Memories haunt me like a slave.

Will his cold hand ever leave me?

Walking past his piteous grave.

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