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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Paula Beeton

Title: The Best Laid Plans....

I had a day off last Friday
I carefully planned my time
A few important calls to make
The rest of the day would be mine

It started off quite well I think
An extended snooze in bed
I thought it would carry on that way
I must have been off my head!

I thought to get the calls all done
In the blinking of an eye
After that a nice strong coffee
For a treat some of my apple pie.

The first call took an hour or so
Thirty minutes of that was a wait
I listened to recorded garbage
When put through I was pretty irate

I called the second, the day now half gone
I waited another half hour
Had I known it would take that long to answer
I could have had a refreshing cold shower!

When finally this one was answered
I opened my mouth, thus to speak
The wretched phone went dead on me
I began to feel quite weak

I pressed it and poked it and prodded
banged and ratlled 'till I thought it would break
I knew it would never connect me again
I swore, and my head I did shake

The house was a mess, I had not had lunch
But I headed out, off to the shop
I had really wanted to sit here and write
But for now that all had to stop

Returning home I stepped inside
The dog had thrown up on the mat
I fetched a bowl, rung out a cloth
that swiftly took care of that

Time do do some more work now
I really didn't want it this way
Still, in the words of Scarlett from Tara
Tomorrow is another day.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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