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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: BeccaD

Title: Ignorance is bliss

Spread the garbage and the litter,
spray aerosols in the air.
Pollute the skies with carbon omissions
and show the world that you don't care.

Exploit the child workers,
wear blood diamonds in your ring.
Ignore poverty in the third world
and pretend that you're not listen-ing.

Don't worry about natural disasters,
because they're not effecting you.
Forget the minimum wage,
because your bank balance grew and grew.

Park in disabled parking spots,
because you feel you have the right.
Pick on someone weaker,
because you believe you're always right.

For your grandchildren and their grandchildren,
won't you see what our plannet is worth?
We need to do something today,
if we want to save our Earth.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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