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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: matthew newman

Title: Stuff your stickers!

I hate the stickers in the back of cars
slapped in the corner of the glass.
I'd like to roll them into litttle balls
and stuff them up their arse.

" Baby on board" says one I've seen
It makes me hit the roof.
It really means " I've had a shag
and in the backs the proof."

" Don't follow me, follow Arsenal" said another,
and a car driven driven by a geek.
It made me laugh 'cause the Super Spurs
thrashed them 5-1 the other week.

" I wish my wife was as dirty as my van"
not words from a side splitting farce.
Even more stupid as the drivers face
looked like a badly smacked arse.

" God is all powerful and he sees all
and this world is only lent."
Well God wasn't watching and neither were you
judging by the size of that dent.

" Toot if I'm sexy" said one girls sticker
not a question she had to ask.
It should have read " Toot if you think
I'd look better without the witches mask."

" If you can read this then you're too close"
now this really gets on my tits.
Press the pedal by your foot and speed up
you annoying Sunday driver little shits.

I think they've missed out these sticker folk
yes they've really missed a trick.
They should get one that says " With my bright car sticker
do I really look a prick?.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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