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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults



When I need you most,
is late at night

I stiil feel you near me,
though you're out of sight

When I hear your voice,
I remember the times

When shadows fall,
it's then your love shines

When life gets too much,
and I'm troubled at heart

I remember you, darling,
we're not far apart

You've slipped-away,
and gone from my life

but forever you'll be,
my beloved wife

For sixteen years,
we travelled together

Battling the waves,
no matter the weather

A heart is now broken,
the pain is too much

Remember, my darling,
I love you so much

Wherever you are,
I'm right there beside you

I've asked God's angel,
to guard and guide you

In heaven you rest,
Your sole now at peace

All earth's cares and worries,
I'm sertain, have ceased

Goodnight, my lovely,
It's getting late

Remember I'm waiting,
outside heaven's gate

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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