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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Paula Beeton

Title: The Joke's on You

I wonder who gave it to you. You wear it with such pride
Yet that chip on your shoulder , it doesn't fool me
I think You have problems You are trying to hide
Lose the attitude,and the answer perhaps you will see

A con? I don't think so. and am puzzled that you do
Writebuzz Is here for one and all. It is worth every penny
We may not mail, or talk , but Friends are here to view
I have made some friends on here, but you. You haven't any.

I don't wish to be nasty. I hope to make that clear
You don't need to be a " living legend".. bang your drum
Just drop the guard, have fun, chill out
come inside, let down your guard. Stop shouting from the rear.

I said my bit, for what it's worth, now take it as you will
For when you write with forked tongue I shall smile
When you have finished stirring. I'll be on writebuzz still
Now see if sweet words flow forth instead of all that bile!

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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