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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: matthew newman

Title: An ode to my one star reveiwer

Now I've heard it said before
but thought it was a rumour
There are people out there now
who have no sense of humour.

Nothing can ever raise a smile
or even get a laugh.
In fact their whole demeanor is
of slashed wrists in the bath.

Personality as warm as an ice cube tray
their mood a constant state of grief.
Or is the reason they never smile
'cause of a case of rotten teeth.

I like silly things in life
and can laugh at what I see.
You might not like the things I write
but don't look down at me.

I'll carry on writing my little lines
and if it's you that I annoy.
I couldn't really give a toss
I'm doing what I enjoy.

Personal attacks are pretty low
and your behaviour a disgrace.
I'd like to hear just what you'd say
if you met me face to face.

I prefer to trade insults man to man
from where I can be seen.
For cowards like you it's easier done
from behind a computer screen.

To the friendly reviewers, you know who you are
I'd like to raise a glass.
To the miserable why don't you take your comments
and shove them up your arse.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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