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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: jonny graham

Title: Rebel Whisper Rousing .

I heard you scratching at my door
You fuckin' halfwit
You halfbreed dumb fuck
I don't live there no more
You plain out of luck
And what's more
your attitude is so weak
It don't even suck
And I followed you up Cinder Hill
in your defeated footsteps
And you know what ?
You look like you're dying
You look terminally ill
Running out of time , no testament , weak willed
Compared to me , you lack skill
Life squashed you , like road kill
I want to cleave your opinion open
and show your inner dissonance the light
Eviscerate your cadences with all my might
lead you up the garden path
in the death throes of the sibilant night
Verbalise you , slam-dance you ,
birth your wrongs , and smother your rights
Slash the throat of your pontifications
Smash rocks on your fragile expectations
Take you out in the woods
and execute your fading deliberations
You think I am an abberation?
You brought it on yourself
with your literary keystroke masterbation
So submissive , no determination
Lost in the maze of the nowhere station
I wouldn't even spit on your seed
and waste the sterile germination
You can search
but you won't find me anywhere
I am ethereal , like thin air
I travel with nothing
except commitment
that blows like the wind of revenge
through my troglodytic lair
My tricuspids grind for you
My talons pine for you
My psychosis unwinds for you
My death-vow vine creeps
and constricts and entwines with you
And there's nothing you can do
Up Cinder Hill
I follow you .
You are now emasculated
permanently violated
violently segregated
sectioned and terminated
terminally lacerated
lasciviously berated
and finally negated
on the spiked castellations
that border the limits of your poisoned mind
Don't forget
Keep walking
I will always be there
in your footsteps
right behind .

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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