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  You are @ HomeAdults History


Source: Adults

Author: Asher Khan

Title: Moors Murders Time Line.

12 July 1963 - Pauline Read murdered.

23 Nov 1963 - John Kilbride murdered.

16 June 1964 - Keith Bennett murdered.

26 December 1964 - Lesley Ann Downey murdered.

6 October 1965 - Edward Evans murdered.

7 October 1965 - Police alerted by Hindley's brother-in-law , David Smith , who had witnessed the murder of Edward Evans at Hindleys council house in Hattersley.
Superintendant Bob Talbot found the body of Evans in a bedroom and arrested Ian Brady , who was present in the house ,solely on suspicion of that murder.
Later that day Brady confessed voluntarily to all the other murders he had committed , he had not been suspected of any of these because the children were only listed as missing and police were not hunting for a child murderer .
A search of Hindleys house turned up a luggage locker ticket , hidden in Hindley's prayer book , and police retrieved a suitcase from the train station locker containing incriminating evidence , including numerous photographs and one tape recording of the torture of Lesley Ann Downey. Hindley was then also arrested .

October/November 1965 - Search for buried bodies on the moors commences .

April/May 1966 - Trial of Brady and Hindley at Chester Assizes .

6 May 1966 - Sentence passed on Brady and Hindley.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > History

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