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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Douglas Munday

Title: Woolacombe Bay

When evening came we took a stroll,
along the cliff top's ancient roll.
Watched only by the phosphor sea,
arms safe entwined; my love and me.
Down rocky slopes to sleeping sand,
we walked forever, hand in hand.
Lulled by the resting water's song,
so peaceful now the day had gone.

The moon rose slowly, cast it's light,
in silvered streams it cut the night.
Shone on the ocean's endless dance,
caressed our eyes with faintest glance.
We felt the sea wind's gentle spray
smooth out the bother of the day.
And for a while time passed us by.
Just us, the sea, the starlit sky.

It was a place we longed to stay,
that timeless little Devon bay.
Lost to the moment; merely lent,
a gift for lovers, heaven sent.
But time and tide spins
so we bade goodbye that
silent shore.
Watched only by the phosphor sea.
Arms safe entwined; my love and me.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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