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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: jonny graham

Title: Sykle Billy Mama's Cocoa Dream With Addiction Levers And Sexual Substitute Side Issues .

Multi-Million industry leverage .
With advertising campaign.
Promoting addiction .
Completely legal.
Totally unhealthy.
Endorphine releaser.
Comfort caresser.
Fat and overweight.
Does not care.
Gone to seed.
Sex substitute.
Orgasmic crutch.
Tongue melting fellatio alternative.
Brain blank .
Mouth full of greed .
Clogged-up with cholesterol.
Heart beater.
Health cheater.
Addicted strong.
Resistance weakened.
Piece by piece .
More and more.
Chocolate whore.
White , black , dark , light .
All day , all night .
Dream of it .
Plan for it .
Become it .
The Taste .
The Texture .
The pretty wrappers .
The need .
The greed .
The need to feed .
Hopelessly dependant .
Stashed out repentant.
Sex substitute defendant .
Tooth rotting dental lover .
Cocoa bean lazy mother .
Crying for more .
Dying for less .
Colon cancer .
Kissing .
Bowel syndrome .
Giving .
Heart beat .
Struggle .
Liver malfunction .
Trouble .
False climax crescendo .
Doubled .
Tranced out on Cadbury .
Mashed up on Thornton .
Spaced out on Nestle .
Too far gone .
No hope .
Junked up .
Screwed up .
You are prey .
You will pray .
They give .
You pay .
Get obese then get away .
On their terms .
To their tune .
Resistance ?
Futile !
Heaven and Hell .
Eat eat .
Slobber drool .
Comatose .
Chocolate coma .
Gorge .
Fade .
Melt .

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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