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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Asher Khan

Title: collaboration project , part one .

the six stages of life . a) - conception and birth .

product of passion
and cell division
miracle of nature
more like biological multiplication
replicated amniotic tomb
ruler of the womb

floating and waiting
the concept of loving and hating
fed by umbilicus connector
to be expelled
sooner maybe or rather later

muffled sounds
through living wall of warm
tossed around
nine months from harm
kicking out
at cramped gestation
into contracted confrontation

scanned and planned
mapped out
shamed and named
route one
bagged and tagged
no return
knocked and shocked
into reality

crushed through mother
into blinding light
fighting for breath
stunned and awed
at this new life
screaming indignity
torn from comfort
the caring bite
of surgical crimps and knife
the sting of love
the will to fight

welcome to your rocky road
pick up the burden
feel the load
thats the weight of expectation
heavy stones
through your days
all that glitters
is not gold .

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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