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  You are @ HomeYoungstersStories & Scripts

Stories & Scripts

Source: Youngsters, Adults

Author: Paula Beeton

Title: The Colour of Words

The soft silver white snowflake landing on a kitten's pink button nose and melting to dewy silver. Colours can be soft and gentle as with the melting snowflake, and yet the same white can be harsh and cruel. An icy landscape with wildlife freezing, and foraging for food. The colours of nature can be cruel sometimes.

The seasons have their colours. Winter's frosty hue and sleet grey rain. Spring with the new pale green shoots bring forth the promise of plenty. Life is renewed. That which seemed dead rises again triumphant.Then the warm wheat colours of Summer. Bees wearing their striped vests, their little knee pockets stuffed with nectar. Busy busy Summer sounds.

Rustic Autumn waits in the wings, creeping in to put the countryside to bed. Snuggling down again ready for the sparkle of icy dew drops.

Life is seasons too, and colours. A baby born to a myriad of rainbow colours merging and vivid to the newly opened eyes. The warm soft pink of the Mother's breast, giving comfort and food for growth. Progress through life. The infant's bright toy box. Red engines, yellow bricks...follow that yellow brick road through life.

Some follow the happy colours, taking the fork in the road to the vibrant joyful colours of a healthy and happy existence. Others not so fortunate fall down the dark black abyss, and live their lives in the grey shadows, trying to claw their way out of the quicksand of depression or physical illness.

It seems that colour is everywhere. Colours can change with our moods. Perhaps we can therefore change our moods by introducing the happy colours. I am sure this is the case. Just think..You are feeling cold. Wear a blue/grey sweater and you look cold, pull on something red or peachy, see how your face glows and you instantly look and feel warmer. The power of colour is wonderful. It is a gift we have been given. I wish you all a life of happy and healthy colours until the final curtain closes on this play called Life.

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