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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: jonny graham

Title: Twenty-Four Week Debate .

Scenario one .

Nothing to worry about , everything is organised .
Just a clinical arrangement
on any nondescript afternoon .
Ten minutes of legalised murder
with chrome grabbers
and steel stabbers .
And cruel hooks
and impersonal stirrups .
Caused by a moment of teenage lust .
Of uncontrolled passion .
And Daddy is paying with plastic .
As the murder of unborn life
is turned into
debatable fashion .
And there are tears
and older comforting arms
round younger heaving shoulders .
And the freshly ripped life ,
once growing warm ,
dies in a bag .
Becomes colder .

Scenario two .

Learned men with ya-ya chins
and knowledge of the law ,
meet in solemn gathering
but conveniently forget
( in this apology of democracy )
who they are debating for .
Sixteen weeks !
Twenty weeks !
Raise the bar to twenty-four !
It doesn't make a jot of difference
because the unborns blood
trickles unrelenting
on the surgeons tiled floor .
And the radio news reports are full of it .
And the sleazy tabloids sensationalize .
The ya-ya's have no answer ,
as lifes spark is denied ,
and another one of the unwanted
enters this cruel world in pieces .
Tries to fight , then dies .

Scenario three .

See the foetus breathing .
Struggling for every breath .
See the little chest heaving .
Like a baby bird ,
tumbled from the nest .
Struggling feebly ,
blowing little bubbles
of amniotic fluid .
Totally uncared for ,
in a kidney dish so cruel .
In a curtained room ,
where the sun never shines .
Everything is blotted out
at the end of the sub-twenty-four week line .
Religious perspective is a mitigating factor
for the rights of unborn life and hope .
While medical practitioners
turn their callous backs
on the Hippocratic oath .

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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