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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Douglas Munday

Title: The Black Beach of Lanzarote (for Nana's children).

The beach was silent 'til we came,
by water's edge to play our games.
Lost to the beauty of the day,
in sweet delight and childish play.
The lead of course was took by Nan,
who always had a secret plan.
And she she led us down there
hand in hand; into her magic wonderland.

It was a place where time stood still for us,
no doubts, no fears, no silly fuss.
To clustered rock pools where we played,
somewhere I wish we could have stayed.
Our Nan found shells in every pool;
told us that they were Neptune's jewels,
lain there for many million years,
washed by the sea's own salty tears.

Wide eyed and happy we explored;
no thoughts of ever getting bored.
Saw tiny fishes, Huge Sea Slugs!
Pink Shrimps and wriggly little Bugs.
And on that tiny sun kissed beach,
sweet paradise was in our reach.
So we built our castles in the air,
without a thought, without a care.

But time, as ever sped on by:
we had to go, say our goodbyes.
Leave safe that little strip of sand,
set there by nature's ancient hand.
Yet still that time, that sparkling sea,
will stay locked always inside me.
Hand held forever by my Nan;
who always had a secret plan.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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