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  You are @ HomeYoungstersPoetry


Source: Youngsters

Author: Douglas Munday

Title: Topsy Turvey

If all the circles in the world
were square,
the game of football would be
hard to bear.
If all the apples in the trees,
turned into bees,
and chalk quite magically
to cheese,
would we have fun.
And If all the sums in all the
books were wrong,
and little girls, instead of boys
were strong.
Would we have fun!

If night were day then Owls
would get depressed,
and we would be undressed
instead of dressed
If all the birds could swim
instead of fly,
and fish inhabited
the sky,
would we have fun.
And if all the stars that shone
above turned right,
so planet Mars not Mother Earth
was light.
would we have fun!

If all the snow capped mountains
flattened out,
then climbers would be left
to walk about.
If little doggies talked
and chickens sang,
if mice were less confused
and had a plan,
would we have fun.
And if topsy turvey
really was the way to be,
then actually I'd be you
and you'd be me.
What fun!

Published on writebuzz®: Youngsters > Poetry

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