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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: matthew newman

Title: So you're married then?

Three women, a wife , a mistress, one engaged
met up to discuss their men.
They decided to buy the same outfit
and in a week meet up again.

After seven days they got together
and the engaged girl got things started.
" I've never really been into dressing up
but now I'm behind the idea whole hearted."

" I put on the basque, the mask and boots
and Im sure I made my man quiver.
We made love that night with such a passion
that down my spine he sent a sexy shiver."

The mistress said " I dressed the same
my man's tongue hung out for the satin and black.
We went at it or hours until we had to stop
through fear of a heart attack."

The married women was next to tell her tale
and her story nearly made the others cry.
She said " I wore the basque and gloves and mask
and some boots that came up to my thigh."

" I have to say that I've never felt better
and the outfit made me look a lot slimmer.
But when my husband came home he grabbed a beer and the remote
and said " Oi Batman, where's my bloody dinner?"

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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