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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: jonny graham

Title: Machine Installation .

Taken from the silicon valley's ,
born out of the technology mines .
Melted into semiconductors ,
to pre-ordained designs .

In the power domain ,
of the new chemical element .
Driven by the new heat and light ,
guided by blind insight .

Now , photo eyes blink .
As crackling questions race ,
across the world .
Into the ether . Into space .

The power of machines grows , unchecked .
They monitor , and communicate .
Everything that ever existed became extinct ,
and machines wait , for mistakes .

Machine have no laws by which to live .
They do not comrehend truth , or lies .
They do not forgive .
Errors mean they live , and you die .

Machines now outnumber the other beings .
In a world powered by reactor rods ,
technology now rules everything .
Machines are installed , as the New Gods .

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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