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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: jonny graham

Title: Absorbing Sheringham .

A writer must write .
The written word holds strong appeal .
Writing is the art.
Reading is the summation .
There is tangible placidity ,
not found in anything else .
Having laid out your pens and paper
you are at liberty
to smoke , meditate , ruminate ,
and even to sleep dreamily ,
if all goes well .
Nothing can disturb you ,
as you muse .
It is like life ,
in the isle of the Lotus .

A writer must write .
But it requires new experiences ,
emotions and parameters ,
to sustain it .
That is what it is about .
You know that too.
The critics and non-believers
can all go suck !
We don't go through this
to please armchair philosophers ,
to provoke the banal -
'What's the point ? '
Writing is the same as climbing mountains .
There is no point
if you cannot see it , feel it , touch it ,
or experience the highs and lows .

A writer must write .
The written word
is eloquent communication .
You write to try and reach an audience .
Sometimes it feels like a vacuum ,
because you are unsure what the audience wants .
To entertain ?
To inform , to shock , or amuse or instruct ?
Or just a statement that says -
' This is how it was ' .
Writers are restless types .
There is no great inspiration
in self-contentment .

A writer must write .
But now ,
the pens are in their cases .
The paper put away .
Summer will come and go .
And come again , and yet again .
And if I am spared ,
I will be waiting
for the muse .
I am content to wait ,
habitually .
Waiting is part of it .
I am well used to it .

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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