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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Douglas Munday

Title: On the Blink

Electronically speaking~
my computer is squeaking,
though I'm blessed if I can see why.
Buth this much is true,
it's making me blue,
all ready to scream and to cry.

Since the day it arrived~
God, I've fiddled and strived,
but still it beeps gaily at me.
The gigabytes shot,
and I've had my lot,
been driven quite out of my tree.

And it's memory is lost~
the dos is de-dossed,
It's windows are just single glazed.
So I'm feeling most fraught
with this thing I have bought,
quite upset and exceedingly dazed.

I know what to do!
I'll whip of my shoe,
give it a belt in the mush.
and if that doesn't work,
I'll give it a jerk;
a whack, then a kick and a push.

But maybe i'm wrong?
Just been at it to long.
Cry cease, call quits and say when.
Arise from my desk,
abandon the pest,
and finish this poem with a pen!

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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