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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Trish Williams

Title: Motherly Love

You sat up in your Ivory tower
Judging my life, hour upon hour.

Telling me where I went wrong
That my life would never last that long

You turned your back so many times
I must be punished for my 'crimes'

Crimes of passion, affairs of heart
Just looking for love right from the start

Then I worked out, I'm not so bad
That all your torment had made me sad

I started to believe in me
I turned my back on family

Now I thrive, I sing, I dance
My heart is free, I take a chance

If I stumble on my way
It's a lesson learnt and that's ok

Swiftly, gracefully I move on
What wisdom I have at forty one

Mother dear I love you so
Sadly I had to let you go

I will return, for what I do see
When you point the finger of blame at me

Only one of those four is pointing at me
You have three pointing backwards, do you see?

Projection of your mis spent years
Much anger, resentment, blame and fears

Bless you Mum, it's all you know
I'm glad I've learnt to love and let go

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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