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  You are @ HomeAdults A day in my life

A day in my life

Source: Adults

Author: Pamela Mutch

Title: The Medium

We went, hubby and I, one wet Wednesday evening to see the psychic medium who had

been highly recommened to us. He has a exceptional talent we were told.

He was performing at a small local theatre beside us,actually no bigger than the scout hall.

This wasn't our first visit to a medium, we had been along to the spiritualist church and seen

"what goes on", in fact we even got a message!. We were hoping we might get another, we were

looking forward to hearing what might be a earth shattering experience......from beyond the

beyond, one never knows about these sort of things, 'best to just keep a open mind', I'd said

to hubby before we'd set off.


The lights dimmed and there was a hush as he came on stage. Small ripple of applause!

'Good evening ladies and gentlemen, Iam so pleased to see so many faces here tonight

just shows that the other side of life is alive and well and ready to come through

me and speak to you, their loved ones, so I shall do that now.

'You there, the lady at the back...it's you I want to come to'

Oh Gawd, I had wanted a message but now...not so soon.

'I have a family member here, he says he's been watching you carefully'

' Who me', my legs seemed to have turned to jelly

and I quickly sent a message to God asking him to not let the guy

ask me to stand up for I feared I would fall over from fright.

God was good, he must have heard me because I wasn't asked to stand, phew!!!

'Love, this man I have here, he's a small man in height, very small, only about 5' 2",

and that is small', the medum said winking to those in the front row.

'He was a teacher he's telling me, is that right love'?

I nodded my head in affirmation.

'He's saying you have problem...ah wait, I'll see if I can get more; he proceeded to nod

his head rapidly as if listening to some disincarnate soul, which of course is what he was doing

'Ok my friend' he was saying, then.....'right my love, he says you have a problem with your feet,

ah... sweaty feet he's saying....can you accept that'?

'My legs were desintegrating faster than ice cream on a splittlingly hot summer's day,

jelly didn't even come close any more.

'No no I protested, I have bunions that's all'

'Bunions', he chuckled.

'Ok' say's Mr Cheesy after waiting for the audiences chuckles to die down.

'Right my dear, I am being told to tell you to get your head out the clouds,

do you understand this'...... can you accept this?

'hmmm haven't a clue what he's talking about' I said

'Right it might come to you later..these things usually do'

'Ok, now my dear, you had a dog.....oh.. this is another man that has come through,

your uncle has brought him forward, he's...........wait.....he's.......your dad'

He stood waiting for effect to sink in and the audience were craning their necks so

they could gawp at me.

'He's talking about your dog....you had a dog who used to wander away a lot,

sometimes for weeks he's saying to me'

'Oh yes' I said, confident now I was on home territory. 'Ah yes a little dog called Peter'

'Yes Peter, that's what your dad's telling me, he 'say's Peter was a randy little devil

he was a Jack the lad was your dog, he hadn't had the snip had he'?

'Well I dont really ......'No he hadn't'! , the medium said with a laugh

'Cos your dad's telling me he's still the same up there, wont behave himself, even now'

'Ah', he said beaming at the audience, 'they dont change you know'.!

The audience were in hoots and I just wanted the ground to swallow me up

Hubby was digging me in the ribs 'I told you we shouldn't have come he whispered',

but the ever hearing clairaudient medium knew what he said and before I could whisper back

he had pounced on hubby:

'You sir', you sitting next to the lady with the sweaty feet, sorry bunions'

'I have a man here playing the bagpipes' he's says he knows you'

'His name is Daniel, can you accept him please'? 'Please do sir because

I have a line of people wanting to talk to you and this man with the bagpipes

is causing such a racket that thier letting him in first in the hope that he'll then go away

kind of fade into the background, if you get my drift' he grinned.

Now this really was the beginning of the end because hubby had only come here under duress,

and this is not what he expected and he had become curiously tongue tied like me.

''Sir, are you still with me'......no not you Daniel, Lord I can hear you',... giggles from the crowd

No, Sir you in the back with the lady, do you know anyone called Daniel who plays the bagpipes'?

'Yes I do', hubby squeaked, well at least I think that was what he did because I really didn't recognise

the sound the came out his mouth, sounded like a cross between a squawking parrot and auntie Maisie's cat.

'Well that's great Sir, said the big mouth on the podium 'He's happy now that you have acknowledged him and the others

there with him are over the moon and he say's 'it was the job that made him turn to drink.....what's that Daniel

....ah...yes.. the perils of working in a brewery, he's saying you know all about that'

'Now, I'm still with the gentleman, I love their little foibles! Sir the man I have here with me now is your father, I'm sure I'm right on that

he could be a grand father figure........no...I was correct the first time, he is your father and he's saying that he had to

drag your mum along with him........say's she's just the same.....well they dont change you know the medium guffawed

seems Sir that your family were a bit of a rum do were they not?

'Anyway, he just wants to pass on his love to you and the lady beside you, I take it that's your wife Sir'

Nod of the head from hubby.

'Well there's many more here wating to give you their love and times out, I must move on so

before I go there is just one thing, your dad's saying you have a son still at home'!

Yes I do

'Well he's apparently getting his hair cut'

'No he's not, definately not' hubby was adamament and so was I

'Well your going to get a shock when you go home then' came the reply to laughs

from those sitting perched on their seats

'Well please take their love with you and God Bless.

'I want to come to you over there.........yes you the man with the bauld head'.

Oh, we did get a shock when we went home, Steven our eldest had given himself

a hair cut while we were out, looked just like his brother in the Foreign Legion

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