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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Pamela Mutch

Title: Writer's Club

I've found a great new writer's club,

Write Buzz is it's name,

it has some absolutely fab people,

seeking fortune and maybe fame.

I could spend all day just reading,

lot's of stuff that the've all done,

poems, stories, lyrics and plays,

so good that you'll get blown away.

The talent of these people,

has never failed to amaze me,

look up Write Buzz on the net,

take a look yourself and see.

No matter how good you are,

you'll learn a lot I know,

just being there and being inspired,

Let's your creatitivity flow.

So take a look,

I urge you to,

you'll love what you can see,

and write a little bit yourself,

have fun, just like me.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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