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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: jonny graham

Title: Amoxycillin Dreaming .

Keep off ,
impetuous , down the long ladder .
Fool ,
of recent narrow sword .
Impotent and unguarded .
Using ,
squeezing the air .
Solid ,
the silence of black beetles .
Poetry is destroyed ,
should be destroyed ,
and resurrected .
Destroy your own poetry .
Write from the soul ,
not the dictionary .
It is not poetry I care for .
It is the folding
and blending
of words .
Words are for everyone .
But poetry is not widely distributed .
Do not use scissors ,
or books .
Unlock your word horde .
If you have one .
Do it willingly ,
there is no other choice .
This is uninspired ,
sterile machine-poetry .
There is no adventure
without experimentation .
Not knowing what is
is not knowing what is not .
Nothing is true .
Everything is permitted .
Souls rotted by their orgasm drugs .
Dying from emphysema .
Flesh shuddering in the novia ovens .
Breathing Cyclon B deeply .
Prisoners of the Earth ,
rise , and come out !
Dying from cancer and heart attacks .
With your help ,
we can occupy the studio ,
and broadcast to the waiting world .
Retake the universe ,
of fear , of death , and monopoly .
We are all exhibits ,
in the great museum of life .

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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