Aston Campbell
Amoxycillin Daydreaming .
Feeding the amber-eyed owl that lives behind the sofa . Chucking it frozen chicken , sliding down the wall . That owl will get brain disease , same as me . Eating unthawed food . No posable thumb . Can't use a microwave . And the humidity rises , just like the throbbing abscess in the roof of my unholy mouth . And the fat bitch next door skips down the path like a baby hippo when the Mr Whippy van calls . She comes back smiling , grinning , laden with creamy , orgasmic junk . And later she will experiment , in an idle , private moment , with her husbands new cordless drill . Accidently give herself some hammer action , and almost die from the cataclysmic thrill . And I'm living on soup and Nurofen , and coughing up the bile of old wounds . Reading about The Holocaust , right through the sleepless nights . Pacing the floor , barefoot and moaning , spitting words of condemnation at the craters of the moon . And the owl watches me . And the dog watches me . And I watch myself . Out-of-body experience , boosted by the chromed slickness of pain . Exacerbated by years of neglect . Excoriated with surgical precision . Excommunicated by freedom of choice . Dying since birth , by little increments . Pleading for more time , in a sympathy-seeking voice . Straining to hear something . Searching for anything . But there is only silence screaming above the noise .
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> Poetry