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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Asher Khan

Title: Amoxycillin Nightmare .

It's 85 degrees up on Cinder Hill .
Too many people with pasty skin
that never sees the light of day .
Loose fitting organs make me ill .
Make me cringe .
Make me hide behind my shades .
You are never there
where you said you would be .
Evading you
as you search for me .
Slumped in the corner ,
watching the world
on close-circuit t.v.
You're so listless .
You don't really care what you see .
The Geisha girls are on the settee
with their cuddly toys and jasmine tea .
Both of them are solid gone ,
out of their trees ,
eyes like saucers ,
staring , unblinking at me .
They can't leave ,
I hold the key .
They can't breathe ,
pleading with me .
Visit the kitchen ,
it's my only deal .
Live in a nightmare ,
I feel ,
safe behind my shades .
And the nights are all liquidised ,
emulsified with all the days .
Soothed by a casual monotone phrase .
Faded out in a monochrome haze .
Bored with the teenage plagiarism phase .
Such wasteful , idle ways .
Thinly disguised as powerful rays .
Hypnotized by the newest craze .
Double sized , never amazed .
Stuck in a rut ,
unable to breathe ,
paralysed .
Help me .
Hiding behind my shades .
The invisible voice
of the man who rules ,
says the backroom
is full of fools .
And also , never forget ,
when it's lights out ,
unplug the set .
And Bankrobber drools ,
and Bishop blinks ,
and I throw-up in the bathroom sink .
And the voice says ,
We aint done yet ,
Tell me about your biggest regret .
But there's no light .
The dark is hiding me .
Waiting for the spark ,
counting down the days .
Pupils dilate behind the shades .

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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