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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Tanya Withers

Title: Street One

Dance at my feet
you bloodsucker
Truckers pass
through everyday
Some make it
all the way
but not many

Lazer show
there goes another
clotted gore
in the gutter
some nutter
booted him
as he peed
against his tyre

Grey-eyed cop
Checks his i.d.
Body bag needs a tag

Roll him quick
Pretty slick
You think?

God I
need a drink
but do

Smell that
rubber burn


burn out
this time

Some clown
up town

Just a game

Check it out
all the same


Clouds of smoke
Some joke
Two boys
their faces
Hear their screams
Shroud the scene
this time

Seen worse

Fickle bodies
on the run

STOP right there
GIVE me your gun
HIT the floor


Dance at my feet
you bloodsucker
Truckers pass
through everyday
Some make it
all the way
but not many

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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