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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Rhona Aitken

Title: Whose God?

Whose God?

What God do you believe in?

A benevolence upon a cloud -

white bearded and serene?

A Christian God

scooping up the souls

of all those dead and gone,

to trawl them into heavenly heaps

Beyond the realms of Jupiter and Mars?

Where are Jewish souls?

Does Abraham collect them

in a separate place past Plaiades

away from Islam’s apposites

who back away from us,

revelling in their beautiful hereafter

near nebulous Aquarius.

Which God jostles for your soul?

Or is there one – just one –

who tolerates us all.

What God do you believe in?

A benevolence upon a cloud -

white bearded and serene?

A Christian God

scooping up the souls

of all those dead and gone,

to trawl them into heavenly heaps

beyond the realms of Jupiter and Mars?

Where are Jewish souls?

Does Abraham collect them

in a separate place past Pliaides

away from Islam's apposites

who back away from us,

revelling in their beautiful hereafter

near nebulous Aquarius.

Which God jostles form your soul?

Or is there just one - just one -

who tolerates us all.


Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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