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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Douglas Munday

Title: This is Cuddly Town again

All the shops are bright and new,
designed for just the lucky few,
the air is scented, fresh and clean
and butterflies abound the scene.
Up here the sky is always blue,
with just a cotton cloud or two.
No dark dissent; no acid rain;
this is Cuddly Town again.

Along the main street, smart, discreet,
are restaurants where the good folk meet,
to talk of markets; schemes and plans,
how Sophie did in her exams.
Up here the Elysium fields abound,
the staff of life is all around.
The moral high ground theirs to claim;
this is Cuddly Town again.

They are experienced men of War
forever counting up the score,
With pens far sharper than the sword,
just a nod, a wink, the quietest word.
Up here in cloistered secrecy,
On Sundays plump with decency,
they worship every hard won gain;
this is Cuddly town again.

And everything works perfectly
the systems designed to a T.
'Tis a fortress guarded day and night
and trespassers are shot on sight.
Up here the light is lighter still,
up here on smug and selfish hill.
No dark dissent, no acid rain;
for this is Cuddly town again.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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